2001 and Beyond
 Habañero's Strategy for Success First Quarter 2001 
OUR VISION What is our vision for Habañero's future? OUR MISSION What is our mission to support our vision for Habañero? OBJECTIVES AND TACTICS What overall objectives and tactics are we pursuing? HOW DO WE GET THERE? Find out how we're going to make it happen - across the organization. ROLES WITHIN HABANERO Many roles are required to help us get there. Find out how you fit in and how you can grow with Habañero! WHO FILLS THESE ROLES? Learn how we're structured as an organization to turn our goals into a reality. YOUR MISSION! Everyone has a role in defining Habañero. Thanks to everyone for your input to date, but be prepared for future involvement. Ha-ba-ne-ro (ha' ba nyer' o) n. 1. The Hottest Internet Solutions Developer in the World 2. The Hottest Pepper in the World 3. adv. meaning from Havana